Thursday, July 22, 2010

GRITtv: Hydrofracking for Natural Gas

I posted recently about the film Gasland by Josh Fox that examines the effects of natural gas extraction on the environment & surrounding communities.

"Gasland" & the Danger of Gas Drilling"

There is an excellent report that I just saw on GRITtv that investigates the "fracking" drilling issue. Isabela Braverman looks at the concerns of people here in New Jersey and the surrounding states. Despite the heroic efforts of these journalists, most of the millions who would be affected aren't even aware of the issue.

With the ecological disaster in the Gulf caused by these archaic methods of energy production, you'd expect more caution in dealing with places like the important Delaware River corridor. The idea that the right to property & industry supersedes the public health & the common good is completely idiotic and irresponsible. Just coming back from a week-long commune with nature, it's even more disturbing to see the potential for devastation in such a vast & rich area between NY & Delaware.

All the resources spent on our Oil Crusades could be used to create solar collection, algae-based energy, or figure out how to pull energy straight out of the quantum field. I thought we were living in the future dammit!!!

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