Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hanging with Obama at Country Junction

While I was in the Poconos last week, my family took a trip to a place called Country Junction. Before even setting foot in the place, I said it looked like a hillbilly mall.

There was a petting zoo outside with plenty of filthy animals to throw food at & a playground full of rusty metal toys and kiddie wagons with broken wheels.

Inside what's dubbed as "The World's Largest General Store", there is a labyrinth of surprisingly high-end items like mounted exotic animals, furniture, art, & all kinds of other expensive crap. There was even a fully functioning theater room in the middle of the place that was playing "Star Wars: Episode I" on the projector screen. I thought the super-loud surround sound system that was blasting the Tatooine pod race would scare my nephew, but he was really into it after he saw R2-D2 on the screen & I told him how cool the fast 'cars' looked.

Anyway, at the front of the store there was a life-size replica of Obama sitting on a bench, so I had to get my picture with him:

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