Wednesday, September 07, 2005

DaVinci's Challenge, Now in Most Major Retailers!!!

I took a ride around the shopping centers yesterday and saw Da Vinci's Challenge on the shelf at Target! It should be in almost all of the big chains within the next couple weeks. It has already been in Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, Toys R' Us, and the specialty retailers for about half a year. The Wal-Mart by my work didn't have it yet, but its being renovated into a Super-Mega-Giant Wal-Mart, so they are a little disorganized right now.

It's definitely exciting and mind-blowing to see my creation in stores across the country, but unfortunately my pragmatic and skeptical nature always expects the worse. I just can't help thinking that either; nobody will buy it, I'll die before it gets really popular, or we'll all be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon if it really starts taking off. Even getting to this point, though, is something I've always been working toward and hoped for, but never really expected.

I think the key thing I've learned from my experience so far is that you have to recognize that you can actively create and form your reality, with the right awareness and intention. We sleepwalk through so much of our life... unquestioning & unaware ...and, as a result, find ourselves hopeless slaves to our situation and surroundings. 'Reality' is nothing but the perceptions of your own mind...

Anyway, here are some snapshots of retail game shelves I took with my camera phone:


Toys R' US (in Times Square NYC!)

Barnes & Noble
(The first time I saw it on a store shelf)

1 comment:

  1. HI! where can we order your game to be delivered overseas?

    Malu- flower of life facilitator in Sao Paulo - Brazil
