Monday, December 05, 2005

Da Vinci's Challenge - Courier-Post 12/3/05

I am posting scans of the article that the South Jersey Courier-Post ran about Da Vinci's Challenge on Saturday, Dec. 3rd 2005.

Click here for the Courier-Post online version.

The article exceeded my expectations. Reporter Frank Halperin, photographer Chris LaChall, and the editors & staff put together a really cool piece. At first I thought it was going to run in the Sunday paper, but Frank called me on Saturday to tell me it was in that day's edition.

My Dad stopped by my house to pick something up right after I got the call, so we both went over to the Wawa down the street to check it out. We saw the banner on the top of the front page, and opened to the Living section to see a my mug & Da Vinci's Challenge taking up the whole front page! I have to admit I gave out a "Wooo-hoo!!!" in the store.

It was really important to me to have my Dad there, with a big smile on his face, to see my efforts really starting to pay off. Both of my parents raised me to always do my best, and anything that I ever accomplish in my life is to their credit.

The depth of the article was great, also covering my employers/partners Alan & Alice Gorney, our company 3 Amoebas, the toy company Briarpatch, and the creation of Da Vinci's Challenge at Rowan University.

Click on an image for a larger scan.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I saw your article in the Courier Post and am very excited for you. It's always nice to see young people getting out there and doing something.
