Monday, January 07, 2008


Since I was talking about Barack Obama in my last post...

For some reason, when I look at Obama, I can't help thinking about how much he resembles the sculpture I've seen depicting the Pharaoh Akhenaten. In Ancient Egypt, Akhenaten banished the many powerful temples & priests of the Egyptian mythological pantheon. He did this in order to establish a unified theology based on the veneration of the life-giving solar essence, Aten or Amen-Ra.

Of course, taking away the influence of established institutions & people in power tends to piss them off.

People are already comparing Barack Obama to JFK... The problem with being a voice for institutional change is that you become a target for powerful institutions that do not operate within the boundaries of morality held by the individual human soul.

Anyway, maybe a President Obama would also shake up society out of it's intellectual slumber.
As I've said, I think almost any of the candidates would be a positive improvement.
Only time will tell...

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