Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Making Fun of the Gay Fish, Kanye West

Was it just "Insanely Obnoxious Interruption Week"?

I try not to disparage other people, but when you're a jerk, you're a jerk.
Kanye West and Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson have together shown that being a selfish, loudmouth fool is a quality that truly transcends race & culture.

All I'll say is that he should have taken a hard look at himself when South Park destroyed him with the "Fishsticks" episode, featuring perhaps the funniest & most humiliating diss possible. I can't listen to his crappy songs without starting to sing "Gay Fish" in my head. Unfortunately he hasn't gotten a grip on his ridiculous ego & it cost him any last bit of public respect.

I would mostly like to forget about this "Jackass" as our Dear Leader correctly observed, but I saw a collection of Internet Memes with Kanye West that was too crazy to pass up.
It's great how quick people make these kinds of parodies-

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