Thursday, February 18, 2010

'Amish Heater' Exposé

Recently I posted some entertaining advertisements that caught my eye while perusing the circular ads in the Sunday paper:

Fun with Sunday Circular Ads

The ads for the "Amish Fireplace" heater have become a continual source of amusement for me due to the gratuitous use of ridiculous Photoshop composites. (see below)

Last week my Dad brought home a copy of the Philadelphia Daily News with a front-page story looking into these paradoxical Amish electric heaters. My family had a field day with it at Sunday dinner.

Overall, it was fair & well-researched article that gives people a better idea what the product actually is. Kudos to the author for taking on the mystery of the Amish Fireplace:

"Heater's Amish Glow Just a Frame Job"

One thing that really cracked me up as I was reading the article was the photo of the owner behind the fireplace. The fireplace looks much bigger than it is because he is kneeling behind the 2 foot tall unit!!!! Brilliant!

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