Monday, March 08, 2010

Liz Cheney "Daughter of Dracula"

Chris Matthews can be a jackass sometimes, but aren't we all? Overall he's got a decent show for people interested in politics.

The last couple nights I caught his show he made me laugh out loud with his comments on the family of The Emperor himself, former Shadow President Dick Cheney.

There was recently an inflammatory paid commercial that Liz Cheney's group put out concerning Dept. of Justice lawyers who defended terrorism suspects. Chris Matthews was talking about this fiasco, spontaneously calling her "The Daughter of Dracula" which I found extremely fitting & amusing.


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Tonight I caught another great Cheney jab on his show. He was comparing Liz Cheney's public defense of her father's legacy to young Kal-El (Superman) being sent by his father, Jor-El, to Earth to continue the legacy of Krypton. At the end of this hysterically ridiculous analogy he asked, "What's goin' on with this family?"
Good question.


Chris Matthews
"Taking Charge of GOP"

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Mocking Dr. Evil himself more than makes up for Matthews' inevitable boneheaded comments & interruptions.

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