Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Gasland" & the Danger of Gas Drilling

Last week I was over my parents' watching TV & my Dad stopped on a film about the environmental impact of natural gas drilling. At first I was indifferent & really didn't feel like watching a documentary. Suprisingly, the big guy left it on & we ended up watching the whole thing.

Official Site:

I follow current events & science-related news, but I've never seen such a detailed presentation of the negative impact natural gas drilling, which is always touted as clean & safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. This movie was an in-depth look at the effects which our archaic methods of energy production unleash on the world.

The most disturbing part of the film for me personally was toward the end. The film highlighted potential catastrophes that could result from drilling activity near the Delaware Watershed in NY & PA. Living outside of Philly is enough cause for my Dad & I to both agree such a disaster would be a nightmare for people in this area.

We should be starting an renaissance of effective renewable energy initiatives in all areas of life. Our priorities are definitely misplaced & the President hasn't made a do-or-die effort on this in concert with the American people, in order to not upset the established energy interests.

Here are more articles on the topic:

Vanity Fair:
"A Colossal Fracking Mess"

During this sudden emergence of negative attention toward the natural gas industry, the geniuses at M.I.T. decided now would be a good time to release their report on the benefits of natural gas:

Incidentally, the same night I watched the film, the director Josh Fox was on the Daily Show talking about it.

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