Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Apple iThink Concept - in NWT Magazine

Recently I was contacted by journalist Tamar Stelling from the Netherlands, who writes for the Dutch science magazine, NWT. (english version)

She asked if they could use my concept art for the Apple iThink computer implant. Tamar thought it would fit well in their issue on futuristic technologies.

I created the graphics a couple years ago & it's been featured on a number of websites since then. It was also published in the Feb. 2009 print issue of MacLife. After Da Vinci's Challenge, it's probably the creation I take the most pride in. The idea of a brain-computer interface is a realm of vast possibilities, but also full of practical issues & problems that people are only beginning to explore.

Of course, I said NWT could use it for their issue. They gave me credit & a link to The Monkey Buddha. Tamar was kind enough to send me a couple copies, so I scanned the pages below.

click for larger size

Here is the issue the iThink was in:

I have another post w/ emerging iThink Tech to put up soon. The graphics are due for an upgrade, too...

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