Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Star Wars Day Extravaganza

May 4th is unofficially "Star Wars Day" (for reasons too corny to repeat). In honor of my favorite movies, I'm unloading a bunch of Star Wars links I haven't gotten around to posting.

• The inspirations behind the Star Wars story:
In The Beginning: Star Wars

• These are more awesome than bizarre:
26 Bizarre Star Wars Costumes

• Amazingly detailed technical drawing of R2-D2- the true robotic hero of the saga.
“A Linch Pin Droid” R2D2 Star Wars Print by Kevin Tong

• The answer is YES, of course...
Did George Lucas change cinema with ‘Star Wars’ prequels?

• Only watch this ridiculously long & funny Red Letter review if you love Star Wars, have a sense of humor, & got some time to laugh. Bookmark it:
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

• Map of the Star Wars Galaxy
'Star Wars' Map: A close-up look at a galaxy far, far away...

Interesting behind the scenes & commentary:

Ok... that should hold off any Star Wars geekiness on here for awhile...

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