Friday, July 08, 2011

Holiday on the Bay

To counteract the NASTY photos on my last post, I'm now posting a more serene view of nature.

Below is a photo I took last weekend, during my 3-day 'Independence Weekend Extravaganza'.
On Saturday, I stayed at a house right on the bay in Pleasantville, NJ.
The heron in the pic was hanging out for a minute, so I got a photo before he flew away. I think it looks pretty cool with the scenery:

Here's me & my brother drinking Coronas on the dock, enjoying the summer weather:

We made ridiculously delicious shiskabobs:

I ate and drank like a king all weekend.
After my trip to the shore, I went to my the annual cookout/crabfest with my friends on Sunday. Then, my parents grilled on the 4th.
It was a great holiday!

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