Saturday, August 27, 2011

Vacationing Through Disasters

This past week I was on vacation in Cape May, NJ with my family.

We really had a great week... but got stuck between 2 natural disasters & had to evacuate the shore a day early. Perfect timing!

Earlier in the week, the uncharacteristic earthquake hit the East Coast from the epicenter in Virginia.

US Geological Survey
Magnitude 5.8 - VIRGINIA

Amazingly, although I was at the Jersey Shore & everyone else in our family experienced it... somehow my brother & I completely missed it!!!!

I am still in disbelief that I missed a friggin earthquake. My brother & I were on the beach, which is fairly secluded & only had about 12 other people at the most along the whole stretch.

At the time of the earthquake, we were either:
1) in the water jumping around playing with the awesome Waboba ball & didn't feel it somehow.
2) passed out lying on the beach & didn't feel it while we were snoozing.

Either way it's crazy.

My other brother was with my parents crabbing on a pier & they felt it. My sister was napping with my nephews at the rental house & everything started moving. I came back from the beach to see if she was coming down & she asked me if I felt the earth shaking. I had no idea what she was talking about, & thought she was making a joke about my nephew pooping.

Anyway, then we got the news of Hurricane Irene approaching, & Friday evacuation orders were given for Cape May. So, we left vacation a day early & I've been preparing for whatever this monstrous fractal whirlwind is going to bring.

We're already getting some rain in southern NJ... so, unlike the earthquake, I don't think I'm going to be able to miss this storm.


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