Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Steve Jobs, Legend of the Digital Age

 On the news tonight, I saw that Steve Jobs passed away.

Although it will be said millions of times, he was a true genius and a visionary who literally changed the world.

My own career and entire creative life has been influenced by the great functionality of Apple computers. I've 'converted' all my siblings to Mac & it's superiority to Windows is clear to me.

Although I don't have an iPhone or iPad yet, I've long recognized the revolutionary potential of portable digital devices. Apple has had a major part in making tech, and therefore the human network, more mobile.

What set Apple apart was the minimalist design approach & ease of use. Steve Jobs revolutionized the tech industry several times over and led Apple to becoming one of the most important companies in the world.

I hope that Apple continues to fulfill the vision implemented by its founder, in order to improve the lives of people around the world. I'm forever grateful to Steve Jobs for sparing me from Windows hell.

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