Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Mixed-Up Family

Due to a storm, the power has been out at my house for a couple days.
Until I can get back on my computer at home, I'm posting my contribution to the 'White Elephant' game my family plays on Xmas Eve.

Basically, everyone brings a wrapped present to add to the game. Then everyone picks a number & takes turn picking a random present from the pile. My family all have a twisted sense of humor, so some of the presents end up being bizarre or crazy.

This year I was having trouble deciding on what to do for a gift.
Then, in a flash of inspiration, I decided to Photoshop the group pics from Thanksgiving to make insane mixed-up family portraits.

The one with all the guys is really funny because of all the baby heads.

I like to set the bar really high when it comes to creative gifts...

(My face is in the middle, & I'm all the way to the left in the original photo.)

Click the image for a bigger version:

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