Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Magic of Bob Ross

Recently I caught a bit of this documentary about the late, legendary landscape painter & TV personality, Bob Ross.

Bob Ross was on public television when I was a kid, and later became a hero for me & some of my friends in high school. 

Part of the reason I admired him was due to my love of art, but his laid-back demeanor & hypnotic banter could make anyone feel like they were in a Zen-like state of mental relaxation.

His descriptive imagination & his seemingly magic technique could instill a sense of wonder not just for art, but for the natural world that he was recreating in his paintings.

One of my friends recently sent me a video of his young daughters transfixed while watching an old episode of The Joy of Painting. Though he's no longer with us, Bob's gentle spirit still has a calming effect on people of all ages.

After seeing some of the documentary, I decided to have some fun & imagined myself in his painting. I wish I could've been lucky enough to meet him...

 "Paul Mic in the Mountains"
not by Bob Ross

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