Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Da Vinci's Challenge" on Facebook

The "Deluxe Version" of Da Vinci's Challenge:
made using laser-cut plastics that look like copper & stone.

As a professional designer, I've been lucky to work on a wide range of fun & interesting projects.

In my creative career, the creation I'm most proud of is the award-winning strategy game I invented & developed as a senior design student at Rowan University.

It's called "Da Vinci's Challenge": The Classic Game of Secret Symbols" & I've posted about it alot on this blog.

The Monkey Buddha Archives

The design of the game board is a symbol known as 'The Flower of Life'. This pattern of interlocking circles has been around since the dawn of civilization. The Renaissance Man himself, Leonardo da Vinci, studied the Flower of Life's geometric form, which is why I named the game after him. There are many examples of The Flower of Life motif in art & architecture around the world

I am currently in the process of working toward creating digital version of the "Da Vinci's Challenge" game. I'd like to have at least an iPhone app developed, so I am trying to get a Kickstarter campaign together to raise funds for the cost. 

To get some presence in the digital world, through social media, I recently started an official Facebook page for the game. I will use it to post reviews, pics, & interesting info related to "Da Vinci's Challenge".

If you are on Facebook, or know people who are on it, click the link below & please give the page a Like. Spreading the word about & sharing the link that would be helpful, too! 
 Official Facebook Page:

(The page is public, so anyone can just close the log-in window if it pops up.)

Hopefully I can the ball rolling before the end of the year, so I will be posting updates here & on the Facebook page regularly.

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