Monday, September 03, 2012

Visual Trip Through Video Game History

Even though I haven't really had a chance to played video games lately, I had a little time over the holiday weekend to play some PS3 w/ friends. I've been a casual gamer since I was 5 years old, so I've seen plenty of systems & titles in my time.

Now my nephews, nieces & friends' kids are starting to play video games on iPads & the traditional console systems. Luckily, I'm from a generation that doesn't feel like one should give up something they enjoy just because they're getting older.

The Monkey Buddha Archives:

I came across this video on Neatorama that starts out with Pong & Atari, then works its way through the many memorable games over the years to virtual reality-like quality of the current-gen consoles.

Some of my recent favorites that are featured in the video include; Dead Space, Batman Arkham Asylum, Assassin's Creed, & Bioshock.

 There's no dialog or identification of the individual titles, just a visual trip through the development of the art of video games.

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