Monday, December 03, 2012

Pixar & Dreamworks- Movie Logo Designs

 As a graphic designer, I know firsthand the importance of logo design and product branding.

I've been able to work with businesses of varying sizes, from small businesses to mega-corporations. When you are dealing with large companies, decisions tend to happed by committee.
Having a bunch of different people providing input for something vital like a logo can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances. When there's a strong & inspired vision leading the process, however, good results are more likely.

Pixar Animation Studios, one of the most successful companies ever, is the spawn of two geniuses who are my personal inspirations.

Pixar began as an offshoot of George Lucas's graphics division at Lucasfilm.
Then, Apple founder Steve Jobs invested in its corporate formation. He also provided the spirit & vision for the company that continues today.

I came across this excellent article which examines logos from the movies by Pixar & Dreamworks. I love this kind of insightful graphic analysis: 


Ultimately, though, all art is a matter of opinion. Although I may not agree with some of the critiques, it's always good to hear people's reasoning.


  1. By knowing what other brands have succeeded in and why they have succeeded gives you great insight and you can apply that attained knowledge to your own work. nice logo

  2. What a great eye-catching and creative logo design ! I love such kind of creativity. Thanks for sharing keep it up!
