Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Rietzen Family Photo 1983

Most of my grandparents died when I was young. My Dad's parents lived longer, so I have more memories of them. They were Joseph Micarelli (2nd generation Italian) & Marie Rietzen (2nd generation Irish). The funny thing is... my grandfather's brother, John, married my grandmom's twin sister, Elizabeth!

As a result, my extended family today is very extended- w/ many cousins & 2nd cousins. I have a really big family on my Mom's side, too. We all try to stay in contact, especially with social media like Email & Facebook.

My grandparents passed away before computers became a household piece of technology. By posting about them here, I feel like I'm keeping their memory alive, beyond an obituary- which is the only info you'd find out about them online.

This is a photo of my grandmother, Marie, with her siblings & their spouses. I saw it sitting around, in a pile of old photos at my parents house- faded and pretty scratched up.

It's such a nice picture of my grandparents, great aunts & uncles that I wanted to fix it up & preserve it.
Rietzen Family Photo:
"Regina's Wedding Oct. 29, 1983"
Standing: Joseph "Mike" Micarelli, David Rietzen, Bill Bradley, Elizabeth (Rietzen) Micarelli, John Micarelli, Joe Capella, Regina & John Rietzen
Sitting: Marie (Rietzen) Micarelli, Ann Rietzen, Kay (Rietzen) Capella, Helen (Rietzen) Bradley 
Hopefully I'm getting the names right...I'm relying on my Dad for the names of the few people in the photo I don't know for sure. If anyone ends up reading this & sees something wrong- let me know in the comments & I'll fix it.

Here is a scan of the photo before I retouched it.
Behold my Photoshop magic!!!!...

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