Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Easiest & Most Difficult Board Games EVER!

I found these 2 funny items relating to board games, & realized they are related. They are possibly the easiest & most difficult games ever created!

As someone who gets to work on alot of toy & game design, I think both of these concepts are awesome.

The first one is the easiest game possible, One-Dimensional Chess, consisting of 2 squares with a King on each.

My 4 yr. old nephew is learning to play chess with his dad & my brothers. I can't stand the game and refuse to play. However, I might consider playing this version- as long as I'm the white piece & get to go first!

 seen on FFFFOUND!

The other one is probably the most difficult game possible!

It is appropriately called "Risky Settlers, Knights and Allies of the Lords of Dominion of Earth, Pandemic Edition"

seen on Geekologie

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