Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trip to The Wetlands Institute in New Jersey

While I was on vacation in Cape May last week, I went with my parents, my sister, & her kids to The Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor, NJ.

I haven't been there since I was young, many decades ago! Haha. They now have many engaging features for both kids & adults. My nephews loved it, and we all enjoyed the interesting animals & exhibits.

We sat in on a presentation about sea creatures such as shellfish & echinoderms (sea cucumbers, urchins, sea stars, etc). The speaker had a bunch of the live animals in bins w/ water, for the kids to look at afterward.

My favorite animal was definitely the octopus they had in the aquarium room. I could have sat watching it all day as it swam around, changing form & color.

I  edited the pics & video of the 'Awesome Octopus' and uploaded it to YouTube:

The enthusiastic & helpful staff also helped me solve a mystery beach find!

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