Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome Susanna!

Usually I don't post about my personal life here, but we were recently blessed with the birth of a new member of my family- my first niece, Susanna Sawyer. She was born on the vernal equinox, March 20, 2014.

Nothing makes you ponder the mysteries of Life more than a newborn child being brought into the world...

I already have 2 awesome nephews, Gregory & David. I love those kids, but being an uncle definitely helps me realize the difficulties that come with raising children!

My hope for Susanna is that she grows up happy & has a good life. She has a strong, supportive family, with plenty of older Dudes in her family who are going to be looking out for her.

Here's a pic of yours truly, Uncle Paulie, with little Susanna.

Also, here is the beautiful video my sister-in-law & her husband made of the event, using their new Ultra-HD video camera:

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