Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Star Wars: Episode VII" Cast Announced

Writer/Director/Producer J.J Abrams (top center right) at the cast read-through of Star Wars Episode VII at Pinewood Studios with (clockwise from right) Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Producer Bryan Burk, Lucasfilm President and Producer Kathleen Kennedy, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Adam Driver and Writer Lawrence Kasdan.
There was only one, single important item in the news today- the cast of the new Star Wars movie was announced!


I've posted about Star Wars plenty of times in this blog- it is one of the works of pop culture that I truly geek out about.

Episode IV: A New Hope came out right around the time I was born, and the Star Wars movies have entertained, informed, and inspired me throughout my life.  

The Monkey Buddha Archives:

Although I had plenty of problems with the prequel trilogy, & some of George Lucas's editorial decisions, the Star Wars saga remains a modern-day epic masterpiece. The movies and the fictional universe that go along with them are undeniable classics, combining the best elements of mythology and visionary sci-fi.

Now, I'm seeing children in this new generation, like my nephews, still enthralled by the fictional world Star Wars creates. I have to admit, my inner child is very excited at the prospect of the new movies, continuing the story from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Thankfully, they have taken an excellent first step & included the cast of main characters from the original trilogy: Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fischer as Leah Organa, and Harrison Ford as Han Solo. It will be interesting to see how these older characters have evolved in the new stories.

Of course, there will also be the droids, R2-D2 & C-3PO. Lucas has always said these robots will be the only characters to be present in all the movies. Star Wars is a human drama, seen from the perspective of these droids who can outlive multiple human generations.

I will definitely be posting more about the new movies as time goes by, but this is an awesome way to start it all off. It's going to be an exciting couple years waiting for Episode VII to come out & probably shatter box office records.

It will be a chance for us all to return, to a galaxy far, far away...

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