Sunday, May 04, 2014

Star Wars Day 2014

"May The 4th Be With You..."

Today is Star Wars Day, celebrating my #1 movie series- the epic saga that has become the mythos of the modern age.

I just recently posted about the casting announcement for the new movies, & Star Wars is one of my favorite subjects, so there's alot of related posts here:

The Monkey Buddha Archives:

Today, my sister is having a Star Wars Day "Intergalactic BBQ". She's also very creative & comes up with awesome themes for her kids' parties. There will probably be alot of lightsabers, costumes, & the movies playing in the background at her house.

My nephews are part of the newest generation of kids that love these movies, with its classic story elements and unique universe of locations & characters.

This is me (in my Luke Skywalker Halloween costume),
carrying my nephew around in his "Yoda" pack when he was a baby.

Here are some "Star Wars"-related links I've had sitting in my Inbox...

• This is an awesome analysis of Star Wars related to ancient mythology:

The Secret Sun

• Here's a very thorough visual history of the Star Wars logo:

Tenth Letter of the Alphabet

I have a copy of this original mass paperback edition 
of "Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker"-
before it was known as "Episode IV: A New Hope"

• This is an op-ed in favor of Disney basically discarding all the material from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, the stories & media that exist outside the 6 existing movies:

Ars Technica:

• If you want to hear a brutally funny NSFW critique of "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" you have to check out Red Letter Media's hilarious reviews:
Red Letter Media

• On FFFFOUND! I saw this illustration of a helmet-less Darth Vader inside his meditation chamber, haunted by the ghosts of the Jedi he murdered.

• Finally, check out this convincing fan art for a "Star Wars: Episode VII" movie poster, with the older cast in their original character roles, by Adam Schickling:

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