Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Evolvefest 2014

 On Saturday, I took my girlfriend to Evolvefest for her birthday. It is a festival of music & consciousness-raising activities, held in Pottstown, PA at Fellowship Farm.

It was a very interesting experience, & we both really enjoyed it. The atmosphere reminded me of a 60's hippie commune, with many unique artistic & spiritually-minded people there. It's definitely not for everyone, but we found it to be an enriching experience, overall.

There was a main stage with music playing throughout the day. At night, the stage set was lit up with projections.

We participated in several activities, such as group yoga classes & Native American medicine wheel ceremonies.

Much of the day was spent wandering around the grounds, checking out the various tents with vendors or services.

There were tents with healing services, natural therapies, and even the Tesla Science Foundation- promoting the legacy of the great genius of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla.

Much of the promotional material for the event, like the banner above, used The Flower of Life symbol in the design. This is the pattern of interlocking circles that symbolizes consciousness. I used this pattern for the game board in "Da Vinci's Challenge," the game I created.

Interestingly, I met a few people who were familiar with the game or had it themselves, including Adam Scott Miller, the artist who designed the promotional artwork for Evolvefest 2014. I purchased this signed poster from him, while I was visiting his booth of amazing visionary artwork:

Behind the main stage, there was a giant Seed of Life symbol, which is the basis for the larger Flower of Life pattern. It was lit up, & cycled through different colors.

It was a long, but very memorable day, & we are planning on going back next year to "evolve" a little bit more...

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of our community and many friends in our area i urge you look into the transformational festival that calls itself, ironically enough, Evolvefest and the activities of its leader David Andrew Bryson. They are using the language of a spiritual festival based on Yoga and love for all, all while it's head visionary leader is promoting hate speech and intolerance in their social media pages. They just lost their Venue space for 2015 because of their intolerance for the gay and LGBT community, anti semetic views and many more comments that can be viewed in the links below. I understand everyone has the right to say what they want. but it really comes down to the leader of the festival, David Andrew Bryson and his own bigoted beliefs that are destroying a festival community of great and unassuming people. Evolvefest gathers some of the greatest minds and loving beings around He is very quick to delete his hate when it gets noticed. Never before have i come across someone as deeply disturbed and intent on taking advantage of kind souls who share messages of love and growth. The hypocrisy shown on his many pages of fringe accounts are staggering. As someone who deals with the same community of friends that go to his events, my heart breaks as he declares gay people as being demonic, unnatural, and unable to evolve, all while saying, but everyone is welcome it their own karma. Truly a man trying to rake in profits from people he does not accept and approve of.

    here are some recent articles that have now gone viral





    In light of all these articles, David continues to ignore this and claim it is only making his group stronger. A Boycott page has been started that has captured all of David Bryson's rants and hurtful comments and can be viewed at, https://www.facebook.com/devolvefest
