Friday, May 22, 2009

"The Monkey Buddha" Visual Archive

Since Blogger is a Google-owned service, I knew the pictures on this blog were uploaded to the emerging Universal Mind of Google's servers.

Recently, though, I discovered that all the images I've uploaded are stored in a web album on Google's online photo hosting site, Picasa.

I changed the status of The Monkey Buddha album to "public" so the visual madness can be viewed by others.

Even without the context of their respective blog posts, the image collection is very representative of my personality & the crazy things that interest me. I'd be willing to say that it is one of the most unique sets of imagery anywhere!

It's almost impossible for me to pick any favorites from such a treasure trove of visual gems.

Here are a few highlights:

• One of the greatest pictures ever:

• Squint to see the secret message in this one:

The essence of modern political sensibilities:

...and finally, an image I'll use as shameless self-promotion for my creation, the game "Da Vinci's Challenge":

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