Monday, May 04, 2009

Obama the Superhero

On I saw a link to a comic featuring Barack Obama as the leader of a fictional America nearly destroyed by an alien invasion.

I just thought, "Wow, that's pretty crazy..."

"Drafted: One Hundred Days"

President OBAMA! has already teamed up with one of the most popular superheroes ever, Spider-man:

"Obama, Spider-Man
on the Same Comic-book Page"

However, after looking at a couple links related to the "Drafted" comic, I saw this link with other Barack Obama comics by the publisher, Devil's Due Publishing:

I think the barbarian versions of Barack & Sarah Palin (below) are just awesome.

Having Dick Cheney, (aka. "Chainknee of the Elephant Kingdom") & his menacing scowl in the background is too funny.

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