Sunday, July 05, 2009

Auditing "The Fed"

I may not agree with everything Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) says, but I think there are alot of institutional problems that he is correct to criticize.

In the spirit of America's "Independence Day" I began to think about what keeps us from being truly free... or at least relatively more free. People talk about the threats of tyranny and oppression from government, but I personally think the modern economic system is the cause of much greater personal restriction than the workings of politics in America. (Of course, government is supposed to reserve the right to control it's own monetary system, but our politicians haven't been eager to assert that right.)

The majority of working people are in decades worth of debt when they graduate college, or can't even afford higher education, become bankrupt due to medical situations, are hard-pressed to pay for basic utilities & living costs...
Problems like these exist on a larger scale than they should and cause people to feel bound by virtual financial chains that directly affects the quality of their life.

We seem to be continually moving toward a more innovative & open-source approach to social life. Since money is currently the driving force behind productive society, it is inevitable that people are going to start to rethink the traditionally effective, but archaic, approach to economics that is mostly a subtler version of 'indentured servitude.'

Ron Paul is one of the few elected officials with the intellectual honesty to question the root of the economic problems we are facing. He looks at the fundamental, controlling forces of our money system: The Federal Reserve, the IRS, and the very idea of fiat currency.

I saw this article on which reveals a basic fact that many Americans don't even know - our government doesn't audit the Federal Reserve that prints U.S. money:

Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" Bill:

I don't think Congressman Paul or even The Constitution are perfect, but they intrinsically hold a better set of human ideals than any bank or money-based institution.

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