Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Poconos 2009

I have been enjoying my vacation week in the Poconos since I arrived w/ my family on Saturday. We are staying at Larsen Lake again this year & as always, it's been a week of ridiculousness that will inevitably result in legendary stories. :)

Poconos 2008:
The Legend of Larsen Lake

Larsen Lake Ice House

So far, we have had a great time. The only crappy thing that's happened is that my brother Justin & I (of course) got hassled & fined an obscene amount of money for not having fishing licenses & life vests in the canoe. The conservation officer, who we both thought resembled a non-sarcastic Stephen Colbert on a gaming enforcement power trip, definitely was a buzzkill. I recognize he was doing his job, but also gave us prime material for future conversation. ("BUCKMAAAAN!!!!!")

The first full day we were here, Justin, my brother-in-law, & I went hiking through Gouldsboro State Park to Tobyhanna Park. We took the overgrown "Frank Gantz red trail" that was 5+ miles of fallen trees & obscured trail markers. One person commenting in our house's guest book claimed that the trail was "impossible". We made it through to the other park in about 3 hours, though, & then called my Dad for an extraction back to Greg's truck.

The next day we went to one of the local flea markets where we enjoyed browsing the many fine wares- including weapons, crackhead fights on DVD, & bootleg clothes featuring 'Engrish' like "Michael Jackson: King of The Pop". My sister had told us about a game were you try to find the most outrageous, crazy item while browsing the flea market. I won right away by finding a stress-relief squeeze toy shaped like a single round breast w/ a nipple.

Yesterday we went to the lake beach at Gouldsboro Park & enjoyed a day in the sun. We always bring a bag full of fun stuff, so we were playing paddle ball, frisbee, football, & wiffleball home run derby. I tied my brother Joe w/ 8 homers before we called it quits due to sunburnt shoulders all around.

Joe, Greg, Mandi, Lil' Greg, Me
(& Big Paul sitting in background)
@ Gouldsboro Lake

Micarelli Home Run Derby
@ Gouldsboro Lake

When we got back to the house, Justin started the grill for "Meat Fest 2009" which featured BBQ ribs & sirloin steak. Each night, we take turns making dinner to give my Mom a break & Justin prefers to cook a grill full of various meats. Justin, Greg & I continued the "Manly" theme of the night by sitting on the dock under the stars and smoking some Acid cigars.

Justin & Big Paul tending to the grill
for "MeatFest '09"

The hungry Micarelli family swarming the kitchen

It's been a good time so far, & since my little nephew woke me up early, I figured I'd get on here and post up some of the events so far. We are at the midpoint of the week & I'm sure there will be plenty of hijinks to come.

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