Monday, September 21, 2009

H.A.H.A. - "Haters Against Howard Alliance"

I've been a huge Howard Stern fan since I was a teenager. I originally bought Sirius satellite radio mostly so I can listen to his show, although the music content is great, too.

A few years ago, there was a Howard Stern Film Festival, so my brother & I put together a skit in which we were the fanatical right-wing leaders of an anti-Howard Stern organization called H.A.H.A: "Haters Against Howard Alliance".

I posted about our entry when we first made it, but now that my brother has a Youtube channel, Micarelli Productions, he uploaded the video:

1 comment:

  1. This video is very clever! My husband and I have been fans of Howard since long before he joined satellite radio. I admit that there are times when my husband enjoys Howard's shows a bit more than I do, but I realize that Howard shouldn't be taken seriously. Just sit back and enjoy!
