Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cape May Vacation 2010

*I forgot I had a folder of photos from my brother's girlfriend's camera, so I've added a few more to the album below.

Last week I got to spend most of the week in Cape May w/ my family. It turned out to be a superb vacation, even after a great week in the Poconos in the beginning of July.

Most of the days I spent on the beach- which was right across the street from the house we stayed at. There were only at the most a dozen clusters of people per stretch of beach & it felt as close as I've ever had to a private beach.

The main activities were lounging in the sand, swimming in the enjoyably warm bay, and throwing my brother's gel-filled Waboba ball that skips across the water. My brother brought his kayaks down so we went out on the bay one day which was cool.

The first day there I went walking with one of my brothers & his girlfriend on the jetty and slipped on a rock. I fell back & landed upside down on an algae-covered boulder that I slid headfirst right down onto another (thankfully) flat rock & then down into the water. It happened so fast I was still holding onto my water bottle when I stood up in the tidal pool I fell into, but I still got banged up a little. I'm glad I didn't hit my head or land on a jagged rock edge, that would've been ugly.

My sister came down for a couple days w/ my nephew & we all had a blast on the beach. My brothers & I, aka. The Uncle Dudes, dug out a pool for him we were calling his 'Lake' & we ended up creating a whole area of canals, pools, & castles in the sand for him to play w/ trucks & boats.

Although the idea of ocean creatures lurking around (sharks) creeps me out just a tiny bit, the water was perfectly warm. I kept going swimming over & over each day. It was great!!

Speaking of sharks, my Dad caught a few sand sharks after I left, but they sent me a photo.

One day we went to the Cape May Zoo, which was fun. It was really hot that day, but we got to see all of the animals out of their shelters- except for the white leopards or whatever was the featured animal.

I got a bunch of pictures throughout the week, so I uploaded a set to my Picasa album:

Picasa Web Albums:
"Cape May Vacation 2010"

I was doing some late-nite redneck grilling
on the chiminea w/ a cup of Tanqueray.

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