Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SOTU Outlook

President Obama's giving the State of the Union speech. People inevitable say such speeches are a lot of hot air, but in reality they can help define a sense of national purpose.

I thought this was an interesting look at the recent politics of the Obama White House, behind the scenes:

Beyond simple-minded nationalism, it's important for a country to come together as a productive, creative community. The President is one person, but in these kind of speeches he can communicate common goals and policy ideas to the nation-at-large.

The obvious focus of his priorities should be increasing jobs, research, investment, and development of a fair economic playing field, both domestically & internationally.

Usually, the SOTU address is an uninterrupted platform for the President. Of course, there are exceptions, like knuckle-dragging Congressman Joe Wilson who will always be remembered for yelling like a moron during the 2009 SOTU.

This year the only sideshow entertainment we know of so far is the special post-speech performance from GOP/Teabagger Co-Queen Michelle Bachmann. The Congresswoman is well known for her regular supremely ignorant or cynically misleading statements. Tonight she will shine, though, hopefully laying out her 'State of the Bizarro World' speech with an unmistakable kookiness that only she can provide.

Fox News:
'Unusual' Bachmann Rebuttal
Could Scramble GOP Message
on Obama Address

Please, God, let my 2 favorite right-wing ladies run against Obama in 2012!!!

What a freakshow that would be...

"yakyakyakyak screeeech! yak yakyak
yakyakyak screeeeech! yakyakyak yakyakyakyakyak screeeech!"

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