Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Paul's Adventures in History IV

I have alot of photos of my Dad sleeping in many different chairs on many different occasions. He has worked hard in the food retail business all his life, but when he gets a chance to sit down & relax it usually turns into a snoozefest. Family events or holidays inevitably become napping opportunities for the big guy.

My old friend Dan J. gave me the idea to have him sleeping right through important times in history. I thought this idea was hysterical & created this series of "snapshots" showing Big Paul experiencing historic events, in his own special way.

This is the fourth set of of "adventures" as he sleeps his way through history.

To commemorate my Dad's birthday today, I made the 3 new adventures below.
I've completed the series of 12 I originally wanted to make. However, I still have even more photos of the big guy sleeping! So, maybe in the future, Big Paul will have more adventures from the past!

"Big Paul's Adventures in History"
Jesus's Sermon on the Mount
My Dad taking a snooze, while Christ tries to enlighten humanity.

"Big Paul's Adventures in History"
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Speech in DC
My Dad's having a dream, too...

"Big Paul's Adventures in History"
Woodstock Festival
Even finally making it to Woodstock &
being in front of Jimi Hendrix's amp
can't keep my Dad awake for long.

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