Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Craziness 2012

The holiday season is upon us once again.

Today I will be going to my sister's for Christmas Eve festivities. We traditionally play The White Elephant game, which is always fun & hilarious.

Here's some random Christmas craziness I've come across recently:

The insufferable idiots on Fox & Friends, talking to Santa Claus about the silly "War on Christmas".

This is a great post with scans from the Christmas toy wish books from 1978, the year I was born:

An awesome example of needlework, based on a scene with Will Ferrell & Artie Lange from the movie Elf:


Hopefully, Christmas isn't cancelled this year...
It looks like Santa has run into some trouble:

Never mind, it looks like Santa ready to ride... in all his psychedelic glory:

...and finally, a Christmas greeting from Cousin Eddie, in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation":

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