Thursday, April 18, 2013

Patton Oswalt's Star Wars Filibuster

Star Wars is one thing I'm unashamed to be a total geek about. On Reddit I saw this great video of comedian Patton Oswalt doing an epic improv rant, for the show Parks & Recreation, that is SW geekiness on a different level.

Patton usually cracks me up. He's been on some really funny episodes of 'Reno911' & 'Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!'

In this uncut & hilarious segment, Patton is making a "citizen's filibuster" to hold up a city council vote.

He launches into a hypothetical synopsis of the upcoming "Star Wars VII" movie. As funny as it is, he actually has some great ideas for the new movie! He then also unexpectedly ties in elements of the Marvel universe, in an awesome 8 minute rant that I had to watch several times because I was laughing so hard... 

It's hard for me to pick out any favorite parts, because the whole damn thing is great.

Thanks to the vast power of the Internet, I also just saw on Reddit that someone already made a movie poster of this vision for the new 'Star Wars / Marvel / Greek Hero' movie.

The design is a homage to the Infinity Gauntlet comic book series, which I thought was awesome when I was a kid:

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