Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Should Genes Be Patented?

Short Answer:


The U.S. Supreme Court is currently taking up a case regarding the legality of patenting genetic information. Allowing this kind of legal ownership would denigrate living systems to the status of intellectual property.

 Singularity Hub:

The idea that a biotech company can claim rights over a gene sequence or DNA from a certain organism is simply unethical. It also inhibits research... & is completely insane.

Here are some articles on this case, which will have a serious impact on many fields regardless of the outcome:


• A Federal judge ruled against the gene patents in 2010:


• In 2010 the Justice Dept. also came out against the practice:

• Then, the Federal Appeals Court overturned the decision:

 Raw Story:

• Now, it's up to the Supreme Court, with it's Corporate Conservatives, to decide:

NBC News:

Yahoo! News:

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