Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Trump Bible™

Our wise & righteous Leader has inspired me once again!!!

President Trump's triumphant walk through the area in Washington DC, where masses of protesting American citizens were dispersed by tear gas, was truly a sight to behold.

As our glorious President waddled up to the front of the church and held the Bible awkwardly aloft, there was no doubt that this was a very special, totally-not-cynically-pandering photo-op. This is one of the many great moments in Trump's United Empire of America™ that will go down in history.

In honor of America FINALLY being "Great Again", I am presenting this special offer to all MAGA acolytes & true believers:

(Only 66.60!)

(click to enlarge)

*All proceeds go directly into the pockets of The Trump Family

Seriously though, what the hell is this shit?!?!?! He's so ridiculous & stupid...

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