Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Milestones in Human & Cosmic Evolution

I saw the above graph on r/coolguides, by Visual Capitalist. Although it is not a totally accurate representation of the morphological progress that led to human beings, it still gives a sense of the vast evolutionary history that has spanned the eons - resulting in our present state.

Here's another chart showing more specifically the hominid evolutionary tree:

Smithsonian Institution:
Human Family Tree

The sense of the long, continuous chain of life that has come before us is humbling and profound. The fact that we are here at all is the deepest of mysteries. It can be explained away with extensive screeds about God, evolution, or the Big Bang, but these are all just monkey grunts that only hint at the true nature of the infinite reality we inhabit.

For a real mind trip, there's this cosmic evolutionary spiral I also saw on the Visual Capitalist site, but was originally from Pablo Carlos Buddassi:

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