Caught the end of an interesting show on PBS about Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and studies.
They have a nice website with some good links:
One of links is for the exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY - "Leonardo da Vinci, Master Draftsman" that was shown in the winter of 2003. I had the priviledge of seeing this huge collection of Leonardo's drawings and sketches in February with my sister and a group of friends for my birthday. It was overwhelming trying to experience and appreciate all the work displayed.
Seeing this exhibit and the Dalí show in Philly were 2 of the most significant events in my life, because I have studied those two artists since I first started learning about art as a kid. I remember reading a book on Leonardo's biography & artwork for a book report in like 5th grade. The third great master left that I want to see is Picasso. There needs to be a exhibit for ol' Pablo soon! There are his pieces in the Phil. Art Museum, but I'm talking about a large-scale exhibit. Seeing the volume of work of great artists like these is pretty awe-inspring.
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