I usually browse the first page of FFFFOUND! for a dose of visual inspiration each day.
I saw these awesome optical illusion/designs that look like a field of dots or lines. It appears they are album sleeves for a band called Soulwax.
I would have passed right by it, but I usually stare at optical designs for at least a few seconds to observe what prolonged visual effects there are. As I was looking at it I must've briefly blurred my eyes, because I was surprised to see words appear for a second. This is a pretty crazy effect that can be seen a few different ways:
• squint your eyes
• make your vision blurry by ''flexing' your eyes
• cross your eyes just a little bit
• raise your eyebrows & stretch your eyes tight
• you get the idea
I think these are perfect examples of the ephemeral nature of language & ideas...
No kidding. I'm actually a fan of the band and have seen the covers before but I never took the time to see if anything was hidden in them. Nice
Score one for the near sighted!
hint: just take off your glasses ;)
If you have an invitation to Fffound could you email it to me? Thanks!
I found it easier to see if you looked at it while scrolling up or down the page.
If you are lazy and running Firefox 3 Beta 5, just zoom the page out a little.. the words will become obvious... :)
Yeah, I see it right off without squinting. Damn astigmatism.
The words really jump out if you resize the images below 200x200. I first noticed "Any Minute Now" when I imported the cover onto my iPod.
Try looking at them from the side at a low angle.
If nearsighted, remove glasses and squint eyes a it.
If not, move further away from the screen.
Really cool effect. How can we replicate such a thing?
Backup a few feet...or a meter.
Thanks for the glasses tip. All becomes clear.
Great effect, great band too!
I can see them without any problem or effort... pretty sure my eyes are normal too, so I dunno what's up with you lot needing techniques tbh
easy to see if you look at the image while scrolling down.
easy, Just squint your eyes. reduces the amount of white and then it's easy to see.
Awesome band, put on quite the party. There playing in nyc this summer, def not something to be missed.
I feel bad for anyone who missed them at Studio B a while back!
If you've got an LCD monitor, look at the screen from an angle, and you'll see it.
Here is the recipe. It was on digg a while back.
my eyes! my poor eyes! anyone else astigmatic here?
Also if you move your viewpoint up and down with respect to the screen they are easier to see, e.g. move laptop up and down.
It's not you, it's the E talking
Not sure about an easy way to reproduce it, but it looks like the white dots where there are letters are just slightly smaller than the other white dots.
It must just be on screen; they're perfectly easy to see in real life.
I'm Blind... (-)(-)
It's actually quite simple. The color is slightly darker on the text. Gotta love Soulwax, though. They are creative on all fronts. ^^
just move back a little and you'll see it
thanks tek-ops.com. i am nearsighted and when i took my glasses off i could see it easily. thats really cool!
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Really great Belgium band!
And nice dj's too!
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