Tuesday, November 07, 2017

"Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

 2017 has been a year of transformation for me. I was unexpectedly laid off of my longtime job at a design studio, and collected unemployment insurance for the first time at age 39. Seeing freedom & opportunity instead of defeat, my intention was to re-invent myself and create a new life. I began to grow my freelance business, Paul Micarelli Design, and also created a new photo booth & custom portrait company, Fantasy Photos. I've been promoting my fine art as well, and having my work featured in local galleries.

In the midst of all this professional change, I have been planning a wedding with the love of my life & spiritual soulmate! My fiancée's parents started a heating oil company this year, 5 Star Heating Oil. I'm a part of this company, too, handling the creative aspects, marketing, and promotions. My soon-to-be stepfather-in-law is an entrepreneur and has started several businesses. He has been a mentor to me & gave me a copy of a book that is like his bible.

by Napoleon Hill

Here is a PDF version, and there are plenty of audiobook recordings available.

This book was originally written in 1937, but the lessons are still wholly applicable today.

The explicit purpose of the book is to help people become successful and, therefore, wealthy. However, there is a much deeper & almost metaphysical aspect to the seemingly superficial premise. What Napoleon Hill was trying to convey was the power of the mind to affect reality.

Our creative visualization, mental intention, and physical actualization are the powerful sequential tools to direct our lives into the direction we want.

On the other hand, the greatest obstacle a person faces is their own mental and emotional blocks. Fear is the Mind-Killer, the most debilitating emotion when it comes to personal growth.

As Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha observed:

"The mind is everything. 
What you think you become."

"Think & Grow Rich" was an excellent read and has greatly affected my view of business, professional success, and personal fulfillment. Napoleon Hill's book is a classic, and I've now become aware of references to it.

Actually, the book that I am currently reading, "Zen & the Art of Making a Living" mentions & quotes it several times.

There is a lot in "Think & Grow Rich" to ponder & act upon. It is not only blueprint for success in a career or business, it is a guide to optimize one's consciousness.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to start a business or just improve their own life. It is a deeply influential work that I will probably revisit every so often as a motivational refresher.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this article and definitely want to download the book. I know MINDSET is everything and I couldn't agree more with your article. I found this article http://youareyourreality.com/think-and-grow-rich-summary/ summarising Think And Grow Rich and I hope it gives an honest opinion of it.