Monday, July 29, 2019

Poconos 2019 - Flea Market Finds

Every year my family takes a vacation in the Poconos in Pennsylvania, where we enjoy being on the lake and relaxing, fishing, and swimming.

Unfortunately, this year my time there was cut short by the death of a close family friend. Before I left, I went to the Blue Ridge Flea Market with my family on a close to 100º day. I never really buy anything at flea markets, I just like to look at all the crazy shit people are selling.

A selection of my favorites are below, but the whole album is at this link along with some other photos from my time there.

Google Photo Album:

This was literally just an inkjet printout of John Lennon for $10

I thought this "The Commando" playset was amusing in it's cartoonish depiction of war.

Just a big rock with a dog's head mounted on it. Just when I think I've seen it all...

This cross-stitched (?) picture of King Tut's mask was actually kind of cool.

A stuffed turkey, and not the kind at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

An angel holding a chalice that I assume is meant for a candle.

Sometimes I look at stuff like this and wonder, 
did the person who designed this think they did a good job? Because they didn't.

A coat/hat rack made of hooves.

This one speaks for itself (to cats, especially).

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