Tuesday, June 13, 2023

LOCK HIM UP! Indictment Part 2: Dumbass Boogaloo

 ****LOCK HIM UP!***
by The Monkey Buddha

Donald Trump is being indicted on more criminal charges, this time for federal offenses regarding the mishandling of classified information. Specifically, he lied & refused to cooperate with authorities to return sensitive government documents, some of which are still missing.

Read the Indictment:
United States of America vs. Donald J. Trump

It is obvious to anyone with at least a few brain cells firing that Trump (an absolute imbecile who has the reading comprehension of an elementary school student) would only want these documents for very bad reasons. A) Being a malignant narcissist, he wanted to show off these secret documents like trophies. B) To use as some kind of leverage, because everything has to be reduced to a zero-sum deal. C) The most likely reason - to sell to the highest bidder, in the ultimate grift. 

Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner's 2 billion dollar gift from the Saudi's to his investment firm right after Trump left office is just a coincidence, I'm sure! Anyway, Republicans say Hunter Biden's laptop and his shady deals are a much more serious matter, even though Kushner directly worked in the Trump administration & Biden's son did not...

Speaking of which, the most infuriating thing about Republican reaction to this shitshow is the what-aboutism. "Oh yeah?? Well, what about Hillary's Emails, & Burisma, & Hunter's Laptop, & Joe Biden's $5 Million Bribe & BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH!?!" Guess what, dummy? If YOU get caught drunk driving, telling the cop "It's not fair! there was a bar full of other drunks!" doesn't mean shit! "Party of Personal Responsibility" & "Party of Law & Order," my ass! 

I really don't love the idea of putting people in cages, but society needs to dole out some form of punishment to deter crime. If those are the consequences in our society, than everyone, including Trump should be subject to their enforcement. If you believe in the necessity of the rule of law, then Donald Trump should have to deal with it, like everyone else who willingly breaks it.

After the charges were announced, I was listening to the cable news stations as I was driving around. They were discussing the seriousness of the charges & the implications. Then, I decided to turn on Fox News, & thought "I bet they're gonna be talking about Biden & Burisma or some shit"... Sure enough, über-douche Jesse Watters was ranting in his recognizably smug voice about: Burisma, The Biden Crime Family, & how even Dr. Jill Biden should be in jail (& she's not a real doctor) because if the "Left" can prosecute Trump, conservatives should be able to imprison the Bidens for any perceived corruption. 

Hey asshole, it's the Dept. of Justice indicting him- not exactly an organization of leftist hippies. The insane, disingenuous reactions of conservatives about this is both astonishing & maddening.

Why are so many Republicans completely embarrassing themselves, by defending the criminal behavior of the sleazy jerk that Biff from "Back to the Future" was modeled on? Let him go, & move beyond the shitty cult of personality. 

The fact that Trump has gone this long without facing serious legal consequences for his lifetime of misdeeds speaks to the imbalance of the justice system, in favor of the wealthy & powerful. However, like a doofy, loudmouth Icarus- Trump flew too close to the sun. He thought he was untouchable, and perhaps believed that he WAS the government and could do as he pleased with no real consequences. 

Unfortunately for him, he is now realizing that the Federal Government is much, much more powerful than any one man - even one with blustering bravado of Trump. By basically stealing sensitive documents, refusing to return them, & then lying about the whole ordeal to the Feds, he crossed the line into a level of criminality that forced the Justice Dept. to enforce the law on this reckless, immoral fool.

This statement alone- that he can declassify documents “even by thinking about it” should make it clear to EVERYONE that his guy is out of his damn mind, stupid as hell, or a shameless fucking liar. 

Guess what??? ...IT'S ALL 3!!!

This is now the second installment of the Trump Criminal Indictment Saga, with a couple sequels on the way- "Georgia Election Interference" & "January 6th Insurrection". Trump wants to be a TV star... well, now he's starring in the craziest damn reality drama this country's ever seen!

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