Friday, September 14, 2018

Trey Trimble

I love finding new artists, and come across great stuff on Reddit, Instagram, and other sources. There are so many talented people out there creating amazing content.

After coming across Trey Trimble's art awhile back & bookmarking his Instagram page, I'm finally getting around to posting about him. He does some really cool 3D rendering, with a lot of retro 80's & vaporwave aesthetic to them.

On his website, he has a section of pieces that he made every day, over the course of 1000+ days. Despite myself being a graphic artist who creates almost every day, I have no idea how artists like him & Beeple find the time and motivation to produce this kind of output. It almost seems superhuman to me.


Here's his Behance portfolio with albums of his work:

Here are some examples of his work that I thought were pretty RAD:

I played most of these NES games (he rendered the cartridges in 3D) 
and can't tell you how many hours my brothers & I put into Contra alone.

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