Monday, November 09, 2020

The Tremendously Classy Trump Presidency

Well, Joe Biden has been elected to take the place of Donald Trump, the living embodiment of humanity's worst qualities. Although it was always clear that Trump would never leave the office quietly or easily, at some point his sorry ass has got to go...

I haven't posted a lot about politics during Trump's term, mostly because every damn day there has been some new outrage or absurdity coming from the malignant-narcissist-in-chief. I barely have time to post now that I have an infant, & it's totally impossible to keep up with the stream of corruption & incompetence coming from this administration.

Anyway, looking back at the insanity of the last 4 years, it's hard to pick the most ridiculous moments. I decided to narrow down 2 of my Most Tremendously Classy Trump White House Moments™:

1: Serving McDonalds fast food to college athletes, framed by golden candelabras & with Abe Lincoln looking on utterly perplexed:


2: After Ivanka got called out on social media for promoting a can of Goya products, President Trump posed at The Resolute Desk, looking like the complete turd that he is, with a bunch of fucking beans:

Many people cannot wait until the day we never have to hear about this fascist, idiotic, cartoon
character of a person  again. Until then, I'm sure he'll continue bringing attention to himself in the worst ways possible.

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