Monday, January 18, 2021

Trump Meme Dump

With the "incarnation of every horrible quality a human being can have" known as Donald J. Trump finally leaving office, kicking and screaming like the stupid man-child that he is, I felt like I should do a very special retrospective.

Despite being an all-around shitty person and a lousy President, one good thing Trump did was inspire me to create political art once again.

Here is a collection of Trump memes I created, with the links to the original posts, all in one place. They can also be found in my album of political art:

 The Monkey Buddha: Political Art


 The one that started it all-
from waaaaay back in 2011 when I somehow predicted the shit-show to come:

President A$$hole






The damage this narcissistic imbecile has done to our country & its institutions is incalculable. It will be a refreshing time when he is no longer sucking up everyone's attention with his absurdly oversized ego.

Good riddance, jackass. You've done the impossible & replaced George W. Bush as The Worst President Ever.

1 comment:

Erin O'Riordan said...

These memes are gold!